Monday, March 02, 2009

at first study till siao... hahaa... almost everyday morning then slp.. hopefully can pass ba.. heee.. anyway hack la.. its OVER liao.. hehehe

ON 25thFeb night, went to my sis poly chalet.. hahaha.... cos nth to do ma... lol..
is fun after all... hehehe... Is called HOME TEAM NS....
with all her poly friends... hahhaaa
GOT... HUIYU,HAOHUA,FUSHENG,BENSON,JAMES,XIAOMEI, N some ar... hahaaaa... we paly a lot of games too..
everyday slept in the morning sia... day1:730am, day2:8am.. for day 2, oni slept for an hr nia.. then sian lo.. gt flu sia.. they still say wanna go escape team park..lolx...


at first, i thought is a photo frame box.. my sis show me de... her friend bought it for her.. then i open it....

its milk chocolate......wahahahaahahaha

but then, is dam bloody sweet sia.. if u ate 1, u wun feel like eating the second 1.. cos too sweet liao.. maybe some1 else can ba.. but nt mi...ahahah



1800hrs in ThE EvEninG.
you TEXT
" sry babe, after this long DaY, I thought, it's better for us to stay as FReN"
It ended.
You end everything with "Im Nt ReaDy".
N i CrieD
HearT PAiN n NumB
Not only EnDinG this reLaTionShiP
you EnDeD a CheeRfuL Me.
My HeArtBeaT
my WorlD WitH U.
My HopE
OuR FuTure
I CanT Help It
OnCe again, I Cried day N night
But, I'm holding back the tears..
I don't want myself to look so dumb, so lamentable..
& now, there's nth i could do to bring u back to me.

Tagboard here.


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imeem .

worlds apart by The Veronicas

Designer : Chili.
x o x o