Thursday, November 03, 2011

Cancer and Leo are two worlds apart. With their striking differences, they have distinctive approach towards life both personally and professionally. Leo finds moodiness if Cancer very disconcerting while Cancer cannot stand proud nature of Leo. But with a generous dose of tolerance and understanding, this relationship can work very well.

Both Cancer and Leo can make a great duo in all relations, who lend their support to each other during the thick and thin. The Leo can provide the Cancer with the much needed emotional security and the Cancer can fulfill the desires of Leo. Due to Cancer’s wonderful sense of humor, the Leo feel a deep connection with them, and the Leo can even wholeheartedly forgive Cancer for their frequent mood swings. Both of them share the love of photography which helps in developing a creative compatibility between them. With the aid of the Cancer’s accurate instincts, the Leo are able to transform their dreams into reality. Despite of many turbulent phases in their relationship, Leo and Cancer turn out to be wonderful partners in all walks of life. The Leo should give the Cancer the opportunity to take charge finances and emotions to keep peace.

A love relation of Cancer and Leo goes great in all the ways except for the insecurities of Cancer and need to get plenty of devotion, by Leo. Both Leo and Cancer together make very reliable parents with Cancer with an upper hand and both also make obedient and loving children with lots of talents to make their parents proud of them.

Both the Cancer and Leo should realize that certain things should be done in limit or else it can hurt the other person. The Leo should give up their arrogance and extravagance together with their unnecessary desire of spotlight while Cancer should try to be more stable emotionally and more expressive. Also Cancer have to give up their past and live for their present and future. The day they start implementing this idea into their lives then they start experiencing less number of problems in their relationships. Patience does not come easily to the Leo and the Cancer are never prepared to learn certain words of wisdom from the experienced Leo, due to their proud nature. But deep down the Cancer are aware that they need to learn some lessons on life with the aid of the Leo. They should try to learn from each other, so that their relationship can prosper.



1800hrs in ThE EvEninG.
you TEXT
" sry babe, after this long DaY, I thought, it's better for us to stay as FReN"
It ended.
You end everything with "Im Nt ReaDy".
N i CrieD
HearT PAiN n NumB
Not only EnDinG this reLaTionShiP
you EnDeD a CheeRfuL Me.
My HeArtBeaT
my WorlD WitH U.
My HopE
OuR FuTure
I CanT Help It
OnCe again, I Cried day N night
But, I'm holding back the tears..
I don't want myself to look so dumb, so lamentable..
& now, there's nth i could do to bring u back to me.

Tagboard here.


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imeem .

worlds apart by The Veronicas

Designer : Chili.
x o x o